STUDY RELIGION IN BOSTON | hub of interreligious theological education

New Students

By registering with the BTI Consortium, you are ensuring your access to cross-registration, the BTI newsletter, BTI Certificate programs, and member school libraries. You only have to fill out this form ONCE during your time as a student as a BTI Consortium Member School. If you can't remember if you registered, or forgot your username and password, email us at Click here for FAQs about the BTI.

***DO NOT FILL OUT THIS FORM if you already have a portal account or have received one in the past. Instead, contact us at***


Tips for filling out this form:

  1. DO NOT USE AUTO-FILL - our security certificate will not accept the form if you do.
  2. If you do not have a phone number (cell or home, or if you only have a non-US number), please enter 000-000-0000 (all zeros with dashes) in each of those fields.
  3. You must use your .edu school-issued email, or the form will reject it.
  4. Try an 'incognito' browser/browser mode.
  5. If you have a space in either your first or last name, please omit it - for some reason the form is rejecting that, we are working on fixing it.

If you continue to receive an error message, contact us at 

New Student Registration Form

*** All fields are required ***

